Actuarial Innovation in the COVID-19 Era

Actuarial Innovation in the COVID-19 Era


The IFoA would like to welcome all SOAT members to our brand new ground-breaking webinar series, “Actuarial Innovation in the COVID-19 Era” from 26 April to 7 May. All webinars are free of charge for IFoA members and non-members, and include topics such as:


  • How have the IFoA and its members responded to COVID-19?
  • Long COVID and the implications for the future of healthcare
  • Impact of COVID-19 on the assumption setting in Life Insurance
  • Emergency epidemiology: research with little data and even less time
  • Is it better for a country to be fair or prosperous in a pandemic?


We hope you can join us for what we anticipate to be a diverse and stimulating programme covering the most crucial topic in the actuarial world over the last year. View the full programme and register your place.


Diabetes Survey: Your Feedback is Key


The IFoA Diabetes Working Party was formed with an overall aim of developing a mortality table at a granular level for those with diabetes. Diabetes is a leading global cause of morbidity and premature mortality and therefore understanding this condition in terms of prevalence and mortality risk is clearly significant for insurers and actuaries.


As part of this research, the Working Party would like to understand how the industry currently underwrites applicants with diabetes in Asia. This will help them to gain further understanding, expertise and insights, particularly from those at the forefront of underwriting, product design and pricing.


If diabetes is relevant to your field, please could you or your Underwriting Team, complete this 10-minute survey by 5 May. All data will be anonymised and not be shared with any other persons. Any other feedback that may be relevant to this research is also welcomed. Please contact Caryn Chua to find out more.