
2016: AAA/IAAHS Webcast: Exploring Global Health Care Cost Drivers: Hong Kong and Taiwan

Source: Actuaries Office in Hong Kong

About the seminar:
Health care cost growth is a global issue. Regardless of the structure of their systems—public, private, or some combination—countries all over the world have to evaluate and address varying degrees of health care cost growth. The Academy’s Exploring Global Health Care Cost Drivers webinar series explores comparative experience with health care cost trends and drivers of cost increases worldwide.

Join us for the next webinar in this series, which will look at health care systems in Hong Kong and Taiwan, with a focus on health care cost trends. It will examine successes and challenges that both systems have experienced as they have worked to identify and address particular cost drivers.

Panelists will explore some of the following topics for Hong Kong and Taiwan:

  • The health care financing system;
  • Efforts to address health care costs;
  • Unique programs or aspects of the system that could be relevant to other systems;
  • Examples of successes and challenges in each of the health care systems;
  • Metrics used to measure health outcomes; and
  • Anticipated changes and the impact of future health care cost trends.

Webinar Presenters:
  • Lawrence Tsui
    Actuarial Society of Hong Kong
  • Alexander T. Leung, MAAA, FSA
    Health Practice International Committee, American Academy of Actuaries

Webinar Moderator:
  • Susan Mateja, MAAA, FSA
    Chairperson, Health Practice International Committee, American Academy of Actuaries

Exploring Global Health Care Cost Drivers: Hong Kong and Taiwan
Aug. 25, 2016
8-9:30 a.m. EDT
Registration closes Aug. 19, 2016

Registration Fees:
  • This webinar is free for Academy and IAAHS members.
  • Non-members will need to pay a registration fee ($50 Canadian) for the webinar. Visit the event page to learn more about how to register.

  • For more information about this webinar, contact Leiloni Hayward at 202-223-8196 or hayward@actuary.org.
  • For technical questions about registration, please contact WebEx customer support at 866-229-3239 or support@webex.com.