
2016: ASHK IFRS Seminar

Source: The Actuarial Society of Hong Kong

About the seminar:
Previously brought to you by the Society of Actuaries International and Financial Reporting Sections, the Actuarial Society of Hong Kong (ASHK) is now proud to present this IRFS Seminar to actuaries in Asia. This seminar is specially designed for international actuaries who are responsible for financial reporting in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as well as actuaries that need to be updated on US GAAP. The seminar will focus on the July 2013 Exposure Draft (ED), including comment letters received and anticipated changes from the ED as a result of the IASB’s re-deliberation process. The final standard is anticipated to be released in late 2016 so now is the time to learn what the implications may be. The seminar is composed of both lectures and workshops where participants can apply principles learned to practical examples. Attendees will come away with a deeper insight into advanced methods, current thinking and alternative approaches to financial reporting.

“Insurance Contract Accounting: Forthcoming IASB Insurance Contract Standard and FASB Targeted Changes”

Two-day seminar on 1-2 December 2016

Picasso Room, B1, InterContinental Grand Stanford, Hong Kong

Registration detail:
Please complete and return the registration form by 31 October 2016 to enjoy early-bird discount.

For more info, please contact www.actuaries.org.hk